The best free first aid manuals

Free first aid manual

Learning first aid doesn’t have to be expensive. Lots of organizations provide free first aid manuals and booklets which you can request or download to your computer. Here’s our list of the best free first aid manuals and booklets available!

St John Ambulance (UK)

St John Ambulance is a large provider of first aid training and event medical cover in the United Kingdom. They publish a free first aid guide which UK residents can request to be sent to their home.

Simply fill out a form on the St John Ambulance website and they will send you your free first aid manual!

British Red Cross (UK)

Similar to St John Ambulance, the British Red Cross publish a free first aid manual for UK residents. Fill out this form to get your free manual posted to you.

Triple One Care (International download)

Triple One Care is a first aid training and services company based in New Zealand. They publish a free downloadable first aid manual on their website. The content is aimed at New Zealand residents however most of the content is generic first aid information.

American Red Cross (International download)

The American Red Cross publishes a simple first aid booklet on their website. Called Adult First Aid/CPR/AED Ready Reference the booklet contains simple step by step instructions for a number of common medical emergencies and first aid situations.

First Aid Pocket Guide

Although not free, The Complete First Aid Pocket Guide is a new first aid pocket guide covering common emergency situations. Written by our team, the pocket guide is a comprehensive manual to keep at home or when out and about.