We believe diversity and inclusion drives innovation. And if done effectively, managing diversity and working together can lead to a competitive advantage. Nike requires a broad base of suppliers that actively and significantly support our business requirements, and positively reflect the world in which we live and work.
Nike’s Global Procurement team manages the procurement process, including selecting and contracting with the right suppliers for the right goods and services. Through our strategic sourcing initiatives, we have also begun to reduce Nike's footprint and lessen our impact. We’re committed to increasing the purchase of sustainable products. Read more about Nike's commitment to sustainability .
Ask your Nike contact to send you an invite via email to enroll as a new supplier through Aravo. When you receive the registration email you will need to fill it out and include all the necessary information. You will receive a confirmation email upon approval of your application.
For vendors in some regions, you should then receive an email from Coupa to register for the Coupa Supplier Portal (CSP).
Our greatest responsibility as a global company is to play a role in bringing about positive, systemic change for workers within our supply chain and in the industry. See Nike's Code of Conduct .
Invoicing information for
vendors in
Asia Pacific & Latin America.
Invoicing information for
vendors in
Europe, the Middle East & Africa.
Invoicing information for
vendors serving
Nike's WHQ & North America.