Printable chemical elements flashcards

The free printable Chemical Elements flashcards include the 103 chemical elements and their abbreviations. Know all the chemical elements and amaze your friends and become a chemistry expert.

You can download and print out these free “Chemical Elements and Abbreviations” flashcards and share it freely with others.

If you want to make sure that never forget the chemical elements any more try out the Flashcard Learner flashcard software. In only two minutes you will be ready to learn the chemical elements flashcards on your computer.

Chemical elements and abbreviations (103 flashcards)

What can you do with the flashcards?

For Flashcard Learner flashcard databases:

  1. Select the chemical elements flashcards from above.
  2. Download the flashcards database to your computer
  3. Import the database to the Flashcard Learner software
  4. Start learning

For PDF flashcards:

  1. Select the chemcial elements flashcards you want from above.
  2. Download the printable flashcards to your computer
  3. Print the chemical elements flashcards with your printer Note: Make sure you print double sided so that you can flip the cards (see What is a flashcard). Also use thicker paper so that the answer is not visible through the paper.
  4. Cut the flashcards out
  5. Start learning

Try one of the following:

Flashcard software for Microsoft Windows 10/7/8/Vista/XP/2000

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I used to forget a lot. With Flashcard Learner I remember things so easily. It's really amazing. -- Betty C., Student

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Does it work? You bet. -- John M., Analyst

Did You Know?

It is usually more beneficial for your brain to learn little, but regularly, such as every day, than to learn things in a large chunk at once.

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A spaced repetition software is sometimes written short as SRS. Spaced repetition can also be called repetition scheduling or repetition spacing.