Massachusetts national guard tuition and fee waiver kicker

You must apply for a new certificate for the correct number of credits now needed and request that the incorrect certificate be revoked. Any credits that were not used will be credited to your account.

What do I do if I applied for the wrong semester or the wrong school?

You must reapply for the correct semester (or school) and request that the incorrect certificate be revoked.

How many credits am I allowed under the Tuition and Fees Waiver Program?

You can take up to 130 credits under the program.

How many credits can I apply for?

You can apply for 1 – 15 credits per semester. Requests for approval for more than 15 credits in a semester must be made through your program manager.

What does the Tuition and Fees Waiver cover?

The waiver will cover tuition and fees related to the academic portion of classes at a Massachusetts Community Colleges, State Schools or University that is funded by the Massachusetts Board of Higher Education. It does not cover any equipment costs (i.e. laptops) or the technical portion of your course (i.e. aircraft flight training, in the tractor driving, etc.). It does not cover any off-site conference room expenses, books, living or food expenses of any kind.

I have a discrepancy in the amount of credits left available for my use. What do I need to do?

Contact the program manager and then request an official transcript from your school or schools. The official transcript should be sent to the program manager for an audit of your credit account.

What do I need to do if I need to change my email address or username?

Contact the program manager and supply the updated email address or username so it can be changed in the system.