Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (MAE)

The Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at UC San Diego offers graduate instruction leading to the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in engineering sciences with a designated specialization in each of the following areas: aerospace engineering, applied mechanics, applied ocean sciences, engineering physics, and mechanical engineering.

In fall 2007, a new Ph.D. specialization was introduced: computational science. Computational science seeks to gain understanding principally through the analysis of mathematical models on high performance computers. It is a blend of applications, computations, and mathematics. It is a mode of scientific investigation that supplements the traditional lab and theoretical models of acquiring knowledge. This is done by formulating mathematical models whose solutions are approximated by computer simulations.

The computational science specialization leverages the strength of the existing mathematics, science, and engineering departments. Ph.D. students must demonstrate advanced undergraduate-level proficiency in numerical analysis and in computer algorithms and data structures.

For more information, please contact the MAE Graduate Affairs Office at (858) 534-4387.

Admission to the graduate program is in accordance with the general requirements of the graduate division, which requires a B.S. and/or M.S. degree in some branch of engineering, the physical sciences, or mathematics; an overall GPA of 3.0; and three letters of recommendation from individuals who can attest to the applicant’s academic or professional competence and to the depth of their interest in pursuing graduate study. In addition, all applicants are required to submit GRE General Test scores.

A minimum score of 550 on the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) is required of all international applicants whose native language is not English and whose undergraduate education was conducted in a language other than English. Students who score below 600 on the TOEFL examination are strongly encouraged to enroll in an English as a second language program before beginning graduate work. (UC San Diego Extension offers an excellent English language program during the summer as well as the academic year.)

Applicants are judged competitively. Based on the candidate’s background, qualifications, and goals, admission to the program is in one of three categories: M.S. only, M.S., or Ph.D. Admission to the M.S. only category is reserved for students for whom the M.S. degree is likely to be the terminal graduate degree. The M.S. designation is reserved for students currently interested in obtaining an M.S. degree but who at a later time may wish to continue in the doctoral degree program. Admission to the Ph.D. program is reserved for qualified students whose final aim is a doctoral degree. Policies for possible changes in status are given under “Master’s Degree Program” below.

Non-matriculated students are welcome to seek enrollment in MAE courses via UC San Diego’s Extension’s Concurrent Enrollment program but an extension student’s enrollment in an MAE graduate course must be approved by the instructor.

Master’s Degree Program

The M.S. program is intended to extend and broaden an undergraduate background and/or equip practicing engineers with fundamental knowledge in their particular fields. The degree may be terminal, or obtained on the way to the Ph.D. The degree is offered under both the Thesis Plan I and the Comprehensive Examination Plan II (see “Graduate Studies: Master’s Degree”). A strong effort is made to schedule M.S. level course offerings so that students may obtain their M.S. degree in one year of full-time study or two years of part-time study.

M.S. Time Limit Policy: Full-time M.S. students are permitted seven quarters in which to complete all requirements. While there are no written time limits for part-time students, the department has the right to intervene and set individual deadlines if it becomes necessary.

Course requirements are flexible in the applied mechanics and engineering physics programs. Specific departmental requirements for the M.S. degree are as follows:

Master’s Plan I—Thesis Defense

This plan of study involves both course work and research, culminating in the preparation of a thesis. A total of thirty-six units of credit is required: twenty-four units (six courses) must be in course work, and twelve units must be in research. The student’s program is arranged, with prior approval of the faculty advisor, according to the following policies:

  1. Course work must include at least sixteen units (four courses) of MAE 200-level courses.
  2. Units obtained in MAE 205 or 299 may not be applied toward the course work requirement.
  3. No more than a total of eight units of MAE 296 and 298 may be applied toward the course work requirement.
  4. No more than twelve units of upper-division 100-level courses (engineering-based or technically serious) may be applied toward the course work requirement.
  5. Only four units from the ENG series may be applied to the degree.
  6. Twelve units of MAE 299 must be taken to fulfill the research requirement.

The thirty-six units are arranged into three areas of specialization, organized as follows:

At least two of the three areas of specialization must be chosen from the list below of MAE research areas. The third specialization can be one of the listed MAE areas or a math./science area.

Current MAE Research Areas

Students should reference the MAE Graduate Course Structure to see which courses fall into which of the research areas.

Students must maintain at least a B average in the courses taken to fulfill the degree requirements. A thesis based on the research is written and subsequently reviewed by the thesis advisor and two other faculty members appointed by the dean of Graduate Studies. The review is normally an oral defense of the thesis.

Comprehensive Examination
Plan II (Effective January 2010)

This plan of study involves a written report on a topical area of current research. A total of thirty-six units of credit (nine courses) are required. The student’s program is arranged, with prior approval of the faculty advisor, according to the following policies:

  1. A written report on a science/technology topic that has relevance today.
  2. The topic must be interdisciplinary and cover two different core areas of MAE (for example, energy and dynamics/controls).
  3. The report must be between fifteen and thirty pages in length.
  4. There must be a minimum of five papers cited in the report. These five papers must be reviewed and approved by the student’s faculty advisor.
  5. Two faculty members will read the report and grade it. One of the members must be the student’s faculty advisor. The other member may be chosen by the student.
  6. Both faculty members will sign the report as a “pass” or a “no pass.”
  7. The final report is due to the committee members during finals week but no later than the last day of finals.

Students must maintain at least a B average in the courses taken to fulfill the degree requirements.

Students already in the M.S. program in MAE have the option of joining the new Written Plan II or following the previous MS Plan I or II. Beginning fall 2010, all M.S. students will be required to follow the new Written Plan II or the Thesis Defense Plan I.

The thirty-six units of course work must be arranged accordingly:

  1. Course work must include sixteen units (four courses) of MAE 200-level courses.
  2. Units obtained in MAE 205 or 299 may not be applied toward the course work requirement.
  3. No more than a total of eight units of MAE 296 and 298 may be applied toward the course work requirement.
  4. No more than twelve units of upper-division 100-level courses (engineering-based or technically serious) may be applied toward the course work requirement.
  5. Only four units from the ENG series may be applied to the degree.
  6. Twelve units of MAE 299 must be taken to fulfill the research requirement.

The thirty-six units are arranged into three areas of specialization, organized as follows:

At least two of the three areas of specialization must be chosen from the list below of MAE research areas. The third specialization can be one of the listed MAE areas or a math./science area.

Current MAE Research Areas

Students should reference the MAE Graduate Course Structure to see which courses fall into which of the research areas.

Change of Degree. Upon completion of the requirements for the M.S. degree, students admitted as M.S. only or M.S. candidates are not automatically eligible for admission to the Ph.D. Program. M.S. only candidates who subsequently wish to pursue a doctorate must submit an application for a change in status to their examining committee. If the recommendation is positive and the request approved, the student must submit a general petition for graduate students to effect the change of status. In addition, the examining committee may recommend that the examination satisfy one of the three topics required in the departmental qualifying examination for the doctorate.

M.S. candidates who subsequently wish to pursue a doctorate must also submit an application for a change in status to their examining committee. In this case, a special examination is not required. The application, however, must be approved and signed by an MAE faculty member who expects to serve as the student’s Ph.D. advisor. When the request is approved, the student must submit a general petition for graduate students to effect the change of status. If the student elects the comprehensive written plan for the M.S. degree, this report may be used not only to fulfill the requirement for the M.S. degree but also to satisfy one of the three topics required in the departmental qualifying examination for the doctorate.

M.S. Program

To complete an M.S. degree with specialization in aerospace engineering, engineering physics, mechanical engineering, applied mechanics, or applied ocean sciences, students must complete a sequence of courses unique to their area. Students should consult with their faculty advisor, as well as the MAE Graduate Student Affairs Office, when choosing their courses.

Doctoral Degree Program

The MAE Ph.D. Program is intended to prepare students for a variety of careers in research and teaching. Therefore, depending on the student’s background and ability, research is initiated as soon as possible. In general, there are no formal course requirements for the Ph.D. All students, in consultation with their advisors, develop course programs that will prepare them for the MAE Departmental Qualifying Examination and for their dissertation research. However, these programs of study and research must be planned to meet the time limits established to advance to candidacy and to complete the requirements for the degree. Doctoral students who have passed the Departmental Examination may take any course for an S/U grade, with the exception of any course that the student’s Departmental or Ph.D. Qualifying Examination Committee stipulates must be taken in order to remove a deficiency. It is strongly recommended that all MAE graduate students take a minimum of two courses (other than research) per academic year after passing the Departmental Qualifying Examination. Specific details in this regard can be obtained from the MAE Student Affairs Office.

Doctoral Examinations: An MAE Ph.D. student is required to pass three examinations. The first is a Departmental Qualifying Examination (DQE) that is intended to determine the candidate’s ability to successfully pursue a research project level appropriate for the doctorate. This first exam must be taken within the first six quarters of registration as a graduate student. The DQE is an oral examination by a committee of four persons (two of which must be in the MAE department) and is based on material taught over 36 units in three areas of study: a major area (four courses), a minor area (two introductory courses), and a study in mathematics or basic science (three courses). Students must submit a plan of study, approved by their advisor, to the Graduate Affairs Committee for final approval by the end of their second quarter of graduate study.

Teaching Experience is required of all MAE Ph.D. students prior to taking the Ph.D. Qualifying Exam. The teaching experience is defined as lecturing one hour per week in either a problem-solving section or regular lecture for one quarter in a course designated by the department. The requirement can be fulfilled by teaching assistant service or taken as a course for academic credit (MAE 501). Students must contact the Student Affairs Office to plan for completion of this requirement.

The Ph.D. Qualifying Examination is the second examination required of MAE Ph.D. Students In preparation for the Ph.D. Qualifying Examination, students must have completed the Departmental Qualifying Examination and the Departmental Teaching Experience requirement, obtained a faculty research advisor, and have identified a topic for their dissertation research and have made initial progress. At the time of application for advancement to candidacy, a doctoral committee responsible for the remainder of the student’s graduate program is appointed by the Graduate Council. The committee conducts the Ph.D. Qualifying Examination, during which students must demonstrate the ability to engage in dissertation research. This involves the presentation of a plan for the dissertation research project. The committee may ask questions directly or indirectly related to the project and general questions that it determines to be relevant. Upon successful completion of this examination, students are advanced to candidacy and are awarded the candidate in philosophy degree (see “Graduate Studies” section in this catalog). The Dissertation Defense is the final Ph.D. Examination. Upon completion of the dissertation research project, the student writes a dissertation that must be successfully defended in an oral examination and public presentation conducted by the doctoral committee. A complete copy of the student’s dissertation must be submitted to each member of the doctoral committee approximately four weeks before the defense. It is understood that the copy of the dissertation given to committee members will not be the final copy, and that the committee members may suggest changes in the text at the time of the defense. This examination may not be conducted earlier than three quarters after the date of advancement to doctoral candidacy. Acceptance of the dissertation by the Office of Graduate Studies and the university librarian represents the final step in completion of all requirements for the Ph.D.

There is no formal foreign language requirement for doctoral candidates. Students are expected to master whatever language is needed for the pursuit of their own research.

Ph.D. Time Limit Policy. Pre-candidacy status is limited to four years. Doctoral students are eligible for university support for six years (engineering physics, seven years). The defense and submission of the doctoral dissertation must be within seven years (engineering physics, eight years).

Evaluations. In the spring of each year, faculty advisors evaluate each doctoral student’s overall performance in course work, research during the past academic year, and prospects for financial support for the next year. A written assessment is given to the student. If a student’s work is found to be inadequate, the faculty advisor may determine that the student cannot continue in the doctoral program and will recommend dismissal to the dean of Graduate Studies.

Joint Doctoral Program with San Diego State University

The Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at UCSD participates in a joint doctoral program with the Graduate Group in Applied Mechanics at SDSU. The program leads to the degree of doctor of philosophy in engineering sciences (applied mechanics). Participants in the program are required to spend one year enrolled at UCSD; their dissertation research is carried out under the supervision of an SDSU faculty member. Information regarding admission may be obtained from the departmental Student Affairs Office.

The Graduate Curriculum in Chemical Engineering

The chemical engineering (CENG) graduate program is an interdepartmental program and is described more completely under the Chemical Engineering Program in this catalog.

Ph.D. in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering with Specialization in Multi-Scale Biology

As of fall 2010, the UCSD campus is offering a new Ph.D. specialization in multi-scale biology that will be available to doctoral candidates in participating programs that span four divisions: Biological Sciences, Physical Sciences, Jacobs School of Engineering, and Health Sciences at UCSD.

The Ph.D. specialization is designed to allow students to obtain standard basic training in their chosen field within the biological sciences, physical sciences, engineering, and health sciences with training in integrative and quantitative analysis across multiple scales of biological organization from molecule to organism in health and disease into their graduate studies. It trains a new cadre of Ph.D. scientists and provides a unique interdisciplinary education at the interfaces between the biological, medical, physical and engineering sciences.

The specific objectives of this program are

  1. Focused Collaboration across nine graduate degree programs at UCSD to train a new generation of cross-disciplinary scientist
  2. State-of-the-art interdisciplinary training through a new technology-centered hands-on graduate laboratory course curriculum
  3. Novel emphasis on research aimed at integrative and quantitative analysis across multiple scales of biological organization from molecule to organism in health and disease

Students in the specialization are required to take at minimum three laboratory courses and serve as a TA one course. Courses offered are as follows:


Course Numbers


Contributing Programs or Departments



BENG 283
Chem. 28/
BIOM 283

Supramolecular Complex Characterization

Chemistry and Biochemistry, Bioinformatics

Komives (Chemistry and Biochemistry), Bafna (Computer Science and Engineering)

BENG 276
Chem. 276
Math. 276

Numerical Analysis for Multi-Scale Biology

Chemistry and Biochemistry, Mathematics, Bioengineering

McCammon (Chemistry andBiochemistry), Holst (Mathematics), Sejnowski (Biological Sciences) McCulloch (Bioengineering)

NEU 260
Chem. 260

Light and Electron Microscopy of Cells and Tissues

Neuroscience, Chemistry and Biochem­istry, Molecular Pathology, Biology

Martone, Sosinsky, Ellisman (Neurosciences), Baker (Chemistry and Biochemistry), Hanein (Pathology)

BENG 278
RAD 278

Magnetic Resonance Imaging

Wong, Buxton, Frank, Liu (Radiology), Dale (Neurosciences)

PHYS 245 BGGN 265

Optical Imaging of Structure and Function in Excitable Systems

Physics, Neurosciences, Radiology, Bioengineering, Medicine, Biology

Kleinfeld (Physics), Wang (Biological Sciences), Berns (Bioengineering)

BENG 277 BIOM 287

Bioengineering, Biomedical Science, Pediatrics, Pharmacology

Sah, Christman, Varghese (Bioengineering), Nigam (Pediatrics), Evans (Pharmacology)

BENG 260 BGGN 260

Prospective students must apply and be admitted into the Ph.D. program in mechanical and aerospace engineering described previously. (For more information, see the Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Graduate program and/or the Interfaces Graduate Training Program administered within the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, 4010 York Hall, Revelle College)

UC San Diego, 9500 Gilman Dr., La Jolla, CA 92093 (858) 534-2230
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