AppScan ® Enterprise Server SSL certificates

When the AppScan ® Enterprise Server is installed, it should be configured to use a valid SSL certificate. If this is not done, you will receive an untrusted connection message when logging in to the server from AppScan ® Source for Analysis or the AppScan ® Source command line interface (CLI) - or AppScan ® Source for Development on Windows ™ and Linux ™ .

SSL certificate storage location

Certificates that have been permanently accepted are stored in \config\cacertspersonal and \config\cacertspersonal.pem (where is the location of your AppScan ® Source program data, as described in Installation and user data file locations ) . Remove these two files if you no longer want the certificates permanently stored.

AppScan ® Source for Automation and SSL certificate validation

By default, certificates are automatically accepted when using AppScan ® Source for Automation . This behavior is determined by the ounceautod_accept_ssl setting in the Automation Server configuration file ( \config\ounceautod.ozsettings (where is the location of your AppScan ® Source program data, as described in Installation and user data file locations ) ). If this setting is edited so that value="true" is set to value="false" , SSL validation will be attempted and logging in or publishing to AppScan ® Enterprise Console will fail with error if an invalid certificate is encountered.

AppScan ® Source command line interface (CLI) and SSL certificate validation

By default, when using the CLI login command, SSL validation will be attempted and logging in or publishing to AppScan ® Enterprise Console will fail with error if an invalid certificate is encountered (if you have not already permanently accepted the certificate while logging in via another AppScan ® Source client product). This behavior can be modified by using the option -acceptssl parameter when issuing the login command. When this parameter is used, SSL certificates are automatically accepted.