Marriage Licenses
Those wishing to marry in Maine must obtain a Marriage License before a marriage takes place. The purpose of a marriage license is to provide proof that a couple is allowed to enter into a legally recognized marriage. A Marriage License is not the same as a Marriage Certificate - a Marriage Certificate is proof of marriage, available after a couple is legally married.
Marriage licenses can be issued on a walk-in basis. Effective April 25, 2017, when applying for your marriage license, please allow approximately 45 to 60 minutes to complete the application process. Licenses are issued during normal working hours. The cost is $40 for the license. Both parties must be present.
To save some time, you may download and fill in the Marriage Intention Application (PDF) in black ink and bring or mail it into the Clerk's office. Please be sure to read all of the requirements found further down on this page.
Where To Obtain Your Marriage License:
- Out-of-state residents who wish to marry in Maine must file their intentions to marry in any Maine municipal office. Once the intentions are filed and the license is issued, the parties are free to marry anywhere within the State of Maine.
- Residents of the State of Maine must record notice of their intentions to marry in the office of the clerk of the municipality in which at least one of them resides.
- If only one of the parties resides in Maine, the parties must record notice of their intentions to marry in the office of the clerk of the municipality in which the resident party resides. Once the intentions are filed and the license is issued, the parties are free to marry anywhere within the State of Maine.
Special Note
- If you're already legally married (i.e., your marriage took place in another State or country), your marriage is valid in Maine. You may need to supply documentation from that State or country proving that you are married for legal purposes.
- If you're getting married out of State or in another country, you need to acquire your marriage license in that State and/or country.
- Application for Certificate of Marital Status form (PDF) - The Certificate of Marital Status is usually required for persons getting married in a foreign country. If you need a certificate of marital status or no impediment to marriage, please complete this application and send it, along with the appropriate fee outlined on the application, to:
Maine CDC Vital Records Office
11 State House Station
220 Capitol Street
Augusta, ME 04333
Requirements To Obtain a Marriage License
- Photo ID such as a driver's license may be required.
- If this is not the first marriage for one or both of you, bring a certified copy (raised seal) of the divorce form or death certificate of the last spouse (photocopies cannot be accepted).
- In Maine, there is a 21-day waiting period to marry after a divorce. Maine residents must provide a certified court waiver if planning to marry within 21 days after the date of divorce.
Completing Your Marriage License
Your marriage license is valid for 90 days and can only be used within the State of Maine. There is no longer a waiting period from the time your marriage license is issued until your wedding can take place.
When you are married, you will give your Marriage License to the person performing the ceremony to complete the "ceremony" section of the marriage license. This includes obtaining the signatures of two witnesses and the signature of the officiant. The person performing the ceremony cannot be one of the two witnesses to the ceremony. The marriage license must be completed in black ink only.
The following individuals are authorized to perform marriages in Maine:
- Ordained ministers of the gospel
- A person licensed to preach by an association of ministers, religious seminary, or ecclesiastical body
- Judges or justices (residents of Maine only)
- Lawyers admitted to the Maine Bar (residents of Maine only)
- Maine Notaries - Search for Maine Notaries by Location or Name
Return of Completed License to City Clerk Following Marriage Ceremony
The officiant is responsible for filing the completed marriage license with the municipal clerk at the municipality where the license was issued within 7 days.